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“I started playing World of Warcraft on a semi-whim after a friend had suggested it. I was living with my (ex-) boyfriend. To distract myself, I played WoW.

Fast forward a year or so: I broke up with my (ex-) boyfriend, but due to a financial situation, we continued living together and remained great friends.
I met a dashing paladin after joining the guild of a friend I made in ST. At the time, the guild would often convene on Ventrilo and we’d go get our asses kicked by the Horde in PvP. This is where I really met my pally. I thought his voice was sexy :X

We flirted for a bit, but nothing serious. Then things progressed and we started really talking. Unlike many other couples who meet online, neither of us are really socially inept or terribly awkward, however there is an anonymous nature about revealing yourself online to someone. We weren’t looking for this. I remember exactly when it started toward something more substantial. I whispered a friend saying “I actually like him, but I’d never tell him.” Instead of whispering it to the intended friend though, I sent it to him!

I don’t open up easily and he sensed this. His told me ridiculous and embarrassing stories about himself to prove that I could be open and trust him. We started talking on on the phone a lot and decided we’d meet soon. We were both half-way falling for each other, but would never give in to it without meeting. We wanted to make sure this was real and what we had online translated to the same IRL.

I was nervous about meeting and sat in the lobby, observing a man I was certain was him, but not enough to positively ID him. I ignored him. After watching him for a couple of minutes, I started wondering negative things. After surely thinking he thought I was ugly and getting ready to leave, I went over him in a moment of bravery and asked, “oh, are you waiting for someone?” That was it. We spent three wonderful days together. Our chemistry was amazing – just like online. It’s still amazing.

I wrote this in my journal after he left:

It’s been months. Things are solid. I guess it’s safe to share in semi-chronological order with huge gaps of time unexplained.

I was surprised the first time he kissed me – I remember feeling a jolt that ran down my spine when his tongue touched mine. My head was on his shoulder, tipped upward, lips parted. His lips were inches from mine, but they felt like miles. I breathed faintly on his mouth, trying to encourage him, extending a silent invitation. The anticipation aroused me and I was still too shy to initiate entirely on my own. I’m very sure he knew exactly what I wanted, but deliberately didn’t give in to make me want more.

I went outside on the balcony smoke. I felt extremely girlish, twirling my legs as I looked at the lights. He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my robed body and burying his face in my shoulder. I turned around and looked at him, and he had the most boyish smile etched on his face. His eyes were so warm and alive, twinkling brighter than any star I’d seen in the sky. I loved the way freckles splattered under his eyes and over his nose like a Pollock painting. My skin tingled where his hand had been on my face, a phantom handprint on my cheek.

I knew I loved him in a couple days. The first time I told him I loved him, I choked on my words. My eyes filled with tears and my throat swelled up. My chest tightened and burned every time I inhaled. I hesitated once, burying my face in his neck so I could breathe, then pulled back and told him. He wiped my tears away and told me I didn’t even have to tell him, because he already knew. My eyes said it every time I looked at him. He said he loved me, told me I was pretty when I cried, and kissed my lips. It’s hard to imagine then that I could ever say it with such relative ease as I do now.

It’s been over a year since then. We live two hours apart now (we lived 1,300 miles apart when we first met IRL) and are planning on moving in together. We see each other regularly. He’s met my family, I’ve met his. We look forward to starting our life together instead of always talking about it.

We still play WoW together: I send him dirty whispers while he tanks hard instances that I’m healing. ^_^”

Thanks for sharing your story, Dee! I wish you both lots of luck and love, and hope moving together will work out soon!
